Ancient City Of Kamras

City Roster
History of Kamras
Seaport of Kamras and Trade

This is the home page of the Ancient City of Kamras.

A little about the city.


When the fog lifted...

There were just three of them making their way towards the city of Kamras after having heard about the city falling due to bickering among the masses.

One was a fallen warrior, one was a woman who had lost it all, the other a slave.  Eventually a rope maker would join them and soon they would be at Kamras's gates wondering what world waited for them.

Kamras had been a man who fought Turia with a great many different weapons, those weapons were found in various places throughout the city.  Now the weapons are safe in one spot, the homestone reclaimed and life begins again!

 Hail Kamras!



Main Entrance to the city of Kamras


Secondary Gate Entrance to Kamras


Kamras Beach along the shores of the Thassa


City Port


INN BETWEEN   the Inn in which Kamras housed many refugees throught history


Kamras Inn


Kamras City Hall


Kajiras Tavern


KMRS Main Hall




Oceans View Theater


Kamras Kaiila Stables


Medical Clinic of Kamras


Anvil Arena


Tarn Cots



The Common Laws of Most Gorean cities is best said by Norman:


As it is written by Norman, the laws of the City of Kamras will be followed.  All punishments will fit the nature of the crime and will be RP'd out accordingly.  Know this before you play! 


There is a saying on Gor that the laws of a city extend no further than its walls.
Outlaw of Gor


Executions as Written by Norman
The form execution  varies. It includes being hung in iron collars, in which death might take as long as two or three days, chaining to the boards, in which the victim is fastened on upright boards mounted on posts, which is often used in port cities, impalement is often the punishment in the country, with the pole being set up near a crossroads, where it will be readily seen, trampled or torn apart by tharlarion. If the criminal shares a Home Stone with the victim, a more humane punishment is inflicted: the criminal is stripped, tied to a post, beaten with rods, then beheaded. "Chain them and hang them in collars at the inn!" said a fellow..."Chain them on the boards," cried another..."Let them be trampled by tharlarion," said a fellow..."No, let them be torn apart by them," said another...
If one shares a Home Stone with the victim, of course, the punishment is often more humane. A common punishment where this mitigating feature obtains is to strip the victim, tie him to a post, beat him with rods and then behead him. This, like the hanging in chains, the exposure on boards, and such, is a very ancient modality of execution
Renegades of Gor

Citizenship of a City as Written by Norman

The laws of citizenship vary by city, but generally, a free person is a citizen of a given city only if he can reach it in one day's march. There may be certain other requirements, such as swearing to the Home Stone, attending public ceremonies and assemblies, and the annual taking of auspices. This gives some idea of what the ambit of a city might be, and reinforces the notion that the laws of a city might, indeed, in some fashion, extend beyond its walls, though this does not excuse trying to claim a woman by the laws of Port Kar while you're in Thentis, for instance, or apply Ar's Couching Laws in Port Cos.
Dancers of Gor
This territory is called an ambit. (Old English, from the Latin ambitus) which might encompass nearby villages and towns and it can be assumed that a city exerts a certain amount of control over the laws of those districts, though there are no exactly drawn borders. "Yet there is a hierarchy of Home Stones, one might say, and two soldiers who would cut one another down with their steel blades for an acre of fertile ground will fight side by side to the death for the Home Stone of their village or of the city within whose ambit their village lies."
Tarnsmen of Gor
It is not unusual for a Gorean city to have several villages in its vicinity, these customarily supplying the meat and produce. These villages may or may not be tributary to the city. It is common, of course, for a city to protect those villages, whether they are tributary to the city or not, which make use of its market. If a village markets in a given city, that city, by Gorean custom, stands as its shield, a relationship which, of course, works to the advantage of both the villages and city, the city receiving produce in its markets, the villages receiving the protection of the city's soldiers. The policy of Fortress of Saphronicus, extending its hegemony politically over its nearby villages, even to the extent of extracting tribute in kind, is not unprecedented on Gor, but, on the other hand, is not the general rule. Most villages are free villages.
Slave Girl of Gor

Companionship as Written by Norman

There is no marriage, as we know it, on Gor, but there is the institution of the Free Companionship, which is its nearest correspondent. Surprisingly enough, a woman who is bought from her parents, for tarns or gold, is regarded as a Free Companion, even though she may not have been consulted in the transaction. More commendably, a free woman may herself, of her own free will, agree to be such a companion. And it is not unusual for a master to free one of his slave girls in order that she may share the full privileges of a Free Companionship. One may have, at a given time, an indefinite number of slaves, but only one Free Companion. Such relationships are not entered into lightly, and they are normally sundered only by death. Occasionally the Gorean, like his brothers in our world, perhaps even more frequently, learns the meaning of love.
Outlaw of Gor

The next to appear before Bila Huruma were two members of the nobility, a man and his companion. He complained of her that she had been unwilling to please him. By one word and a stroke of his hand between them Bila Huruma dissolved their companionship....
Explorers of Gor

"It is long since you have been the Free Companion of Talena, daughter of Marlenus," said Samos. "The Companionship, not renewed annually, is at an end. And you were once enslaved."

I looked at the board, angrily. It was true that the Companionship, not renewed, had been dissolved in the eyes of Gorean law. It was further true that, had it not been so, the Companionship would have been terminated abruptly when one or the other of the pledged companions fell slave.
Hunters of Gor

Think before you go into Debt As Written by Norman

The penalty for debt is enslavement, for male or female. Male slaves are usually debtors or criminals
Beast of Gor
Also, a female debtor, in many cities, is subject to judicial enslavement, she then coming rightlessly and categorically, identically with any other slave, into the ownership of the creditor
Magicians of Gor

How to Enter a City As Written by Norman


“As was wise I avoided cities in my long journey, though I passed several, for to enter a city without permission or without satisfactory reason is tantamount to a capital crime, and the punishment is usually a swift and brutal impalement. Pikes on the walls of Gorean cities are often surmounted with the remains of unwelcome guests”. 
Outlaw of Gor
"As we do have the yellow ostraka and our permits do not permit us to remain in the city after dark," said Marcus, "I think we should venture now to the sun gate." Marcus was the sort of fellow who was concerned about such things, being arrested, impaled, and such.
Magician of Gor
Assassins bearing the mark of the black dagger on their forehead are permitted entrance into a city without interference. “Kurrus, of the Caste of Assassins, entered the great gate of Ar. Guardsmen did not detain him, for he wore on his forehead the mark of the black dagger...When he of the Caste of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, and he may enter whatever city he pleases, and none may interfere with his work”.
Assassin of Gor


The Seriousness of a Homestone as Written by Norman

To claim a Home Stone as one's own when it is not is a serious offense among Goreans....
Slave Girl of Gor

When one does not have a Home Stone, it is possible to become a citizen of a town/city by being permitted in a public ceremony to kiss the Home Stone of the town/city.

"Why would one think of her in the terms of a Ubara?" I asked. "Sworn from Marlenus, she is no longer his daughter."
"I am not a scribe of the law," he said. "I do not know."
"I do not think she has a Home Stone," I said.
"Gnieus Lelius permitted her to kiss the Home Stone," he said. "It was done in a public ceremony. She is once again a citizeness of Ar."
"Gnieus Lelius seems a generous, noble fellow," I said.
Mercenaries of Gor

“I am surprised to hear such sentiments,” I said, “from those who must once have held and kissed the Home Stone of Ar.” This was a reference to the citizenship ceremony which, following the oath of allegiance to the city, involves an actual touching of the city’s Home Stone. This may be the only time in the life of a citizen of the city that they actually touch the Home Stone. In Ar, as in many Gorean cities, citizenship is confirmed in a ceremony of this sort. Nonperformance of this ceremony, upon reaching intellectual majority, can be a cause for expulsion from the city. The rationale seems to be that the community has a right to expect allegiance from its members.
Vagabonds of Gor

Murder on Gor as Written by Norman

The penalty for murder is impalement, even if the murder is committed in a place other than the murderer's Home Stone. "Menicius!" he cried. It was he who slew the Warrior of Thentis. Not I!" "It was you who gave the order," I said. "...."Well," said I, "will it be my steel or the impaling spear of Ar's Justice?"

Assassins of Gor

Spies Among Cities?  As Written by Norman


Castration, followed by torture and impalement, is a punishment commonly inflicted on spies.
Vagabonds of Gor


The Seriousness of Theft As Written By Norman

Theft of a Home Stone is punishable by death, general impalement preceded by lengthy torture, or the tarn death, in which the victim is bound hand and foot to two tarns, lifted 100 feet in the air, and at a prearranged signal, torn apart as the birds fly in opposite directions.
Tarnsmen of Gor 
Theft of another's property is a crime. Punishment for the first offense is generally notching of the ear. Second offense depends on the sex of the offender...a male loses his left hand and both feet, a female is generally enslaved (for instance, in Lydius,
Hunters of Gor
 "Her ear," I said. "Her ear was notched." Rim and Thurnock laughed. "A thief," said Thurnock....I suddenly recognized the girl. It was she who had cut my purse earlier in the day, the sensuous little wench, whose ear had been notched...I well knew what the punishment was for a Gorean female, following her second conviction for theft 
 Hunters of Gor


Treason and it's Punishment as Written by Norman

The penalty for treason is impalement or hanging for a man, sometimes enslavement for a woman. "You have been found guilty of treason against your city and are under the sentence of impalement," said Aemilianus. 
Renegades of Gor

“.....and, Her mother, before her capture, I had gathered, had been important, having been the confirmation treasurer of one of Torcadino's commercial councils, the Spice Council. She had also, in her position, I had gathered, and doubtless by her influence and acts, supported the cause of Cos. ...however, aside from all such considerations, was a citizens of Torcadino, and Torcadino had been sworn to the cause of Ar. She had, it seemed, for whatever reason, presumably opportunism or greed, betrayed the pledge of her Home Stone. In the case of a man this can be a capital offense. She was not a man, however but a female. It was thus, doubtless, that she had not been placed on a proscription list, but only on a seizure list. It was her sex which had saved her. Had she been a man she would have been hung.
Mercenaries of Gor
Hidden in a Cavern within the Mountains and Heavily guarded by specially trained Swordsmen sits the Homestone of Kamras


Kamras: Kamras was a Turian citizen, of the Caste of Warriors. He was a Captain, the Champion of Turia as well as a plenipotentiary to the Ubar, Phanius Turmus. A plenipotentiary is a diplomat, often with much authority provided to him. He was a large, strong man with large wrists and long black hair. He had two long, thin scars on his face, possibly scars created by a quiva. Until the events of Nomads of Gor, Kamras had never lost a battle at the Love Wars. But, he then faces Kamchak at the First Stake for the fate of Aphris of Turia. Using the gladius, which most thought Kamchak had no skill in using, the two men fought. And Kamras soon realized that Kamchak was quite expert with the short sword. Kamchak defeated Kamras, winning Aphris, but Kamchak chose not to kill Kamras. Later, when Turia was conquered, Kamras was enslaved but was later freed.

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